Jiaheng Hu 胡佳恒

Welcome to my homepage! My name is Jiaheng Hu (Jeff). Starting from 2022, I'm a Computer Science PhD student at UT-Austin, fortunate to be co-advised by Professor Peter Stone and Professor Roberto Martín-Martín. My research interest is in Reinforcement Learning and Robot Learning.

I obtained my M.S. in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon Univeristy in 2022, supervised by Professor Howie Choset; and graduated summa cum laude from Columbia University with a B.S. in Computer Science in 2020.

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Jiaheng Hu

*: Equal contribution.     †: Equal advising.

DROID: A Large-Scale In-The-Wild Robot Manipulation Dataset
DROID Dataset Team
RSS, 2024
paper / project page / data visualizer

Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models
Open X-Embodiment Collaboration
ICRA, 2024, Best Paper Award
paper / project page / code

ELDEN: Exploration via Local Dependencies
Jiaheng Hu*, Zizhao Wang*, Peter Stone†, Roberto Martín-Martín†
NeurIPS, 2023
paper / poster / video

Causal Policy Gradient for Whole-Body Mobile Manipulation
Jiaheng Hu, Peter Stone, Roberto Martín-Martín
RSS, 2023
paper / website / code / poster
GLSO: Grammar-guided Latent Space Optimization for Sample-efficient Robot Design Automation
Jiaheng Hu, Julian Whitman, Howie Choset
CoRL, 2022
paper / code / poster
Large-scale Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Coverage via Domain Decomposition and Generative Allocation
Jiaheng Hu, Howard Coffin, Julian Whitman, Matthew Travers, Howie Choset
WAFR, 2022
paper / code / talk

Modular Robot Design Optimization with Generative Adversarial Networks
Jiaheng Hu, Julian Whitman, Matthew Travers, Howie Choset
ICRA, 2022
paper / code / poster

Communication Learning via Backpropagation in Discrete Channels with Unknown Noise
Benjamin Freed, Guillaume Sartoretti, Jiaheng Hu, Howie Choset
AAAI, 2020

Workshop Papers
TeleMoMa: A Modular and Versatile Teleoperation System for Mobile Manipulation
Shivin Dass, Wensi Ai, Yuqian Jiang, Samik Singh, Jiaheng Hu, Ruohan Zhang, Peter Stone, Ben Abbatematteo, Roberto Martín-Martín
ICRA MoMa Workshop & RSS MoMa Workshop, 2024
project page / arXiv / code

Mini-BEHAVIOR: A Procedurally Generated Benchmark for Long-horizon Decision-Making in Embodied AI
Emily Jin*, Jiaheng Hu*, Zhuoyi Huang, Ruohan Zhang, Jiajun Wu, Li Fei-Fei, Roberto Martín-Martín
NeurIPS GenPlan Workshop & NeurIPS ALOE Workshop, 2023
paper / poster / code

Composition Learning in “Modular” Robot Systems
Jiaheng Hu
Master's Thesis, 2022
paper / event

Teleoperated Robot Grasping in Virtual Reality Spaces
Jiaheng Hu, David Watkins, Peter Allen
NEMS, 2021
paper / code

Community Service
Fun Facts
  • I'm a big fan of contract bridge, and have been playing in various tournaments over the years. My most noticeable achievment in bridge is the 2nd place in the 2022 NABC 0-10k pairs, and the champion of 2021 GNT flight C.
  • I enjoy both watching and playing soccer, piano and guitar in my leisure.
  • I play a few video games, including Counter-Strike (CSGO MM rank: LE) and Pokemon (main series & PoGo). I also used to play SGS quite competitively.

Website template source: Jon Barron